How to use an orgasm to manifest what you want!
Now this is an interesting idea – the idea that orgasm can be used to enhance the process of manifestation.
If you don’t already know, manifestation is a process by which people use the power of their minds to manifest a change in the physical reality of their world. In other words, it’s a bit like goal-setting on steroids!
Now I don’t want to diminish the process of manifestation or the power of the laws of attraction (which govern that process) by making light of this phenomenon. As anybody who has used manifestation successfully will know, it can seem like a truly miraculous process. Perhaps it is a truly miraculous process!
Certainly one of the key components of manifestation, no matter how you do it, is the transfer of energy from one form into another – using the power of the mind as a vehicle for this transformation.
Any process that generates large amounts of energy is going to be a potential propellant for the force and direction of the manifestation process. One of these is orgasm. So if you can harness the energy of orgasm, then you can perhaps actually hasten the process of manifestation.
The question would be, naturally enough, how on earth can you use orgasmic energy to increase the likelihood of manifestation success?
Fortunately, Teal Swan has spent some time researching a lot about spiritual sex and manifestation, and she’s produced a number of interesting videos on the subject, one of which you can see above.
She makes the point that when anybody orgasms, there’s a massive increase in energy. And when two people orgasm together at the same time, that energetic flow is massively greater.
Teal Swan makes the point also that during orgasm, the blending of physical awareness and spiritual awareness is much greater than at any other point in our lives. Indeed, awareness of our boundaries breaks down you become one with our partners, and perhaps also “one with the divine”.
This is a reflection of the energy of the Lover archetype (read more about that here). The Lover desires nothing more than to lose her boundaries and be absorbed in another. It’s a primal archetype which calls us back to the energy of the first connection we make – that is our connection with mother – after birth. That is why it is such a primal archetype.
She supports this proposition by making the point – quite rightly – that orgasmic energy has been used throughout history in spiritual practices to provide both an energetic emotional boost. It also provides an easier and more effective connection with the divine (which, if you prefer, you can call universal consciousness).
There’s an attractive and quite logical basis to the proposition that any normal explosive “ejaculatory” orgasm can be used for manifesting, i.e. creating what you want.
After all, it’s an explosion of energy into the universe, which is precisely what experts in the field of manifestation indicate you need. They usually suggest that you achieve this explosive release of energy by developing strong emotions around the prospect of manifesting your objective.
As Teal rightly observes, the craving for orgasm is, at its foundation, a craving for connection with the divine… whether you know it or not, this is the spiritual basis of all sexual desire. A spiritual desire is driven by the King or Sovereign archetype, which is the source of connection with our higher power (explained here).
So how do you use an orgasm in manifestation?
The objective here appears to be to focus on a particular outcome at the moment of orgasm. Then, at the moment when this energy is highest, you can use it for a higher objective in your life, moving beyond sexual pleasure.
Indeed, as Teal Swan says, what you focus on at the moment of orgasm is what you will conceive – and she’s not talking about children!
She gives the example of a person – a woman – who is focusing on her insecurity about her body as she approaches orgasm. Teal suggests what will happen if she reaches orgasm at the same time as she is focusing on her inadequacy. The intense energy of orgasm will pass into the universe and she will begin to manifest situations and experiences in her life that prove to her that her body is inadequate.
In essence, therefore, the huge surge of energy that is released at the moment of orgasm connects with what you focus on at the moment of orgasm. Therefore you’d better make sure that you’re focusing on something you want to have in your life when you climax during sexual activity!
Sure, that could be a better sexual relationship, or a more pleasurable relationship in which you can make your woman come. But it could also be a promotion…. or anything else.
Teal’s advice is to focus on your desired outcome in the build-up to orgasm as well as at the moment of orgasm itself – focus on whatever it is that you wish to manifest. The essence of this is using the feeling of orgasm to amplify the sensations associated with whatever you wish to manifest. The idea of manifestation is very archetypal in nature. You can read about archetypes here.
You can watch the video above to see more details on this.
But what exactly is archetypal manifestation?
The idea is that when you send your intentions out into the universe, you can get what you want.
It’s an idea that was popularized by Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret in recent years. As you may know, lots of authors write with great authority about the concept of manifestation. Unfortunately, not many really know precisely how you can attract reality and manifest your desires. You need to start with a good understanding of your shadows, the hidden forces which can hold you back from getting what you want.
Manifestation is an idea that appeals to a lot of people, for understandable reasons. And those people want simple instructions on how to manifest reality and to try it out for themselves. If you come from a scientific and rational background, you might be doubtful. You might have to overcome your innate tendency to doubt anything like manifestation. After all, this is not explainable in terms of normal physical laws and theories.
So it’s difficult: there are many different attitudes. People come from many different emotional and physical and spiritual backgrounds. And all in all, the best proof of the reality of manifestation is your personal experience of making it work.
So what do you do?
Most instructions centre on the fact that you can convey your desires to the universe by visualizing them. It seems that this sends your intentions out into the universe. This in turn allows the universe to manifest what you want if you’re doing things in the right way.
There’s a kind of exponential interest in manifestation and the law of attraction, which is demonstrated in how the subject has become increasingly popular. A lot of people are spending a lot of time building vision boards, visualizing their objectives, and forming goals and objectives.
Sadly, though, many people find that the goal they wish to manifest just don’t come into reality.
You could assume that this was because the universe had a better idea for you, or it could be because somebody (you) wasn’t sincere in their intention to get a particular outcome. And often, regrettably, you’ll find that the people who write about manifestation blame the person who is visualizing and trying to obtain an objective for not being serious or not trying hard enough.
Clearly that’s completely unfair, and it can lead people to feel guilty about what they’re doing in life. This adds to the burden of stress that many of us already feel, and is generally completely unhelpful. But, on the other hand, if you try this for yourself you might find that suddenly you begin experiencing weird coincidences. You might find that the Universe seems to be sending you signals supporting your goals and objectives.
Indeed, when you feel that life is going right for you, not against you, then its probably because you’re doing something very specific on a subconscious level. You’re probably sending out the right vibes from the right state of energy a positive state of belief and expectation.
And sure, people who deride the concept of law of attraction and manifestation will tell you that it’s nothing to do with some mysterious universal energy. They will simply tell you that what you get in life is the result of hard work. As Jack Niklaus used to say, “the harder I work, the luckier I get.”
Of course there’s the need for you to take action – nobody would deny that. The need to take action is why we have a Warrior archetype (details to be found here). And of course the universe is not going to take credit for the work you put into manifesting something. That would be ludicrous. But the law of attraction works in a context of everyday life.
You may have access to other people who can help you achieve your objectives. However, it’s the universe which may be responsible for introducing you to them by means of a coincidence. This brings about an opening for you that you would not otherwise have achieved.
I think the thing here is this: manifestation is not a substitute for self belief and hard work. It’s a framework in which you can make your life easier by having the universe cooperate with you. It allows you to choose the path that leads you to success. It supports you in your general objectives. Sceptics will say that there is no such thing as manifestation and the law of attraction is drivel. They refer to a piece of research in psychology called self-efficacy which is all about believing you have the capacity to achieve the things you want to achieve.
But when you analyse it all, the remarkable coincidences which people experience in life can be so profound they shake you to the very soul. And when that happens, you surely have to look inwards for an explanation of what’s happening which goes beyond the physical laws of the universe. An explanation which invokes the spiritual laws of the universe.